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Partnership X-Sports Shows X Muc-off. February 21 2025

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Sponsoring...Quality over quantity.


"I don't chase sponsors, I never have and yet, with humility, I can claim their interest. I have the legitimacy and skills to offer them an exceptional experience, increased visibility and tangible returns. However, it is extremely difficult for me to go knocking on their door to beg for their support. It is not something I enjoy, I even hate it! The same goes for my daily work with X-Sports Shows. I am not a salesperson, I start from the principle that if I propose the best concept, if I put all my heart and know-how into my activity, then communication will happen naturally.

Sometimes, things align naturally, meetings happen on the ground and great collaborations are born from there. For example, with my territory the Vercors massif, or the Race Company company with which I have been working for 20 years now.

In 2025, I am proud and happy to join the family Muc-Off, a legendary brand of mountain bike products. This is a new challenge that deeply motivates me and pushes me to move forward.

I sincerely thank them for their precious support and trust." Yohan Triboulat


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